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How To Develop Inner Strength

Where is your inner strength? i get it, totally know how it feels. i know that life sometimes sucks, it hurts right in the heart an soul for a period. Everyday when you wake up you gotta be stronger, smarter, an older than you were yesterday. If life sucks today you still have a chance to make it better tomorrow. Lets focus on the future and let the past pass by. Your inner strength is in both your heart and mind. One of the things that can reduce your inner strength is your inner ENEMY ( negativity that is ) that you must fight first before you can think of fighting anything else. Yeah we all got some vicissitudes in life but how we react to them is what determines our future technically.
“ You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. ” -Marcus Aurelius

How To Maintain Inner Strength
•Set Small, achievable goals for yourself.
• Find Balance in life
• Don't Let Your Inner Enemy defeat You
• Avoid Labeling yourself
• Meditate Regularly

For you to maintain inner strength you gotta develop the third eye chakra, which enables your mind to develop extra sensory perception and it improves your psychic powers such as how to see your future (vision). One thing we know about life is that its always changing due time sometimes you sad, and then be happy. Have you realized that there’s always happiness behind every sad moments. Life sucks when you know what others don’t know and you cant do anything about it. During sad moments that’s where growth is, where the real work is and mainly derived from the act of introspection. Never put much of your strength an focus on thinking about what should’ve happened or what you could’ve done instead stay focused on what is going to happen,what you gonna do about it... have a vision. You have faith, hope, courage, confidence when you are happy and only growth and inner strength occur when you’re sad or depressed but that’s just how life is.
“My Strength did not come from lifting weights, my strength came from lifting myself up when I was knocked down.” -Bob Moore

#5 Specific Ways to Build Inner Strength.

#1. Put yourself first.
•Putting your well-being as your first (top) priority will help you find the life flow you can control and maintain.

#2. Master Your Mental, emotional, physical behaviors.
• A positive mindset and an even peace will get you through toughest times.

#3. Decide, stay determine, focus and take action.
• Be decisive, always and never let an outsider to decide and control your life. Keep focusing and never forget why you started what you started in the first place.

#4. Look Back On Your survival.
• Remind yourself about what you've survived along the way, and what you have achieved through challenges you have encountered. Don't underestimate your own resilience.

#5. Seek Motivation From Your Outer strength.
• They key to feeling strong is holistically creating a solid foundation and is mainly derived from motivation.

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