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Showing posts with the label Power

How To Develop Inner Strength

Where is your inner strength? i get it, totally know how it feels. i know that life sometimes sucks, it hurts right in the heart an soul for a period. Everyday when you wake up you gotta be stronger, smarter, an older than you were yesterday. If life sucks today you still have a chance to make it better tomorrow. Lets focus on the future and let the past pass by. Your inner strength is in both your heart and mind. One of the things that can reduce your inner strength is your inner ENEMY ( negativity that is ) that you must fight first before you can think of fighting anything else. Yeah we all got some vicissitudes in life but how we react to them is what determines our future technically. “ You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. ” -Marcus Aurelius How To Maintain Inner Strength •Set Small, achievable goals for yourself. • Find Balance in life • Don't Let Your Inner Enemy defeat You • Avoid Labeling yourself • Meditate ...

How to stay on path

Focus? Is a concentration on a particular thing and thinking about it, discuss it or deal with it rather than doing something else... Pressure is privileged, never waste your time focusing on things that won't benefit you and your future. Focus on your priorities then you will achieve what you get focused on. PROFITABLE WAYS TO REMAIN FOCUSED • Find what made you lose focus in first place. • Organize your life. • Be purposeful over your desires. • Always remember your priorities almost everyday. • Peace yourself. • Don't be afraid of distractions. • Seek for advice, never hesitate to ask. Eradicating distractions • Find a quite place to work/study • Pinpoint your emotional distractions • Learn to say NO without a Reason • Never prefer other things over your priorities Putting yourself first is not selfishness... Its necessary • Set specific time to work on one thing How to focus your mind • Witness your thoughts • Master your thoughts • Thi...